Streaming videos

Streaming Videos

  • Academic Videos Online (AVON)
    Delivers more than 63,000 (and growing) scholarly videos for virtually every discipline.
  • APA PsycTherapy
    A streaming video database intended for educational purposes, specifically in clinical training and counselor education. It provides the opportunity to observe psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists.
  • Audio Cine Films (ACF)
    Hundreds of popular movies and classics in multiple languages. The majority of new releases are added within 1-2 days of being released in Blu-ray and DVD. Public Performance Rights
  • Can-Core AV
    Canadian streaming educational and documentary film collection. Includes indigenous and BC content.
  • Criterion on Demand
    A streaming feature film collection of over 1,500 English titles, more than 1,100 French titles, over 100 documentary features, and approximately 135 foreign language films with English subtitles. Public Performance Rights
  • Curio
    Streaming audio and video content from CBC and Radio-Canada. Provides access to thousands of programs and documentaries with English and French-language content.
  • Films on Demand
    Multi-disciplinary collections of over 10,000 films available in streaming format; Provides access to thousands of programs and documentaries with English and French-language content. Searchable in OneSearch or by individual collection including Archival Films & Newsreels, Entertainment Canada, and the Veterinary Video Collection.
  • Kanopy
    Streaming video collection which includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases.
  • National Film Board
    Offers a range of documentaries, dramas and historical films, with a Canadian emphasis. Additional features include the ability to create personal play lists and access to study guides.
  • O'Reilly
    Streaming videos, interactive tutorials, audio books, and other materials on topics ranging from IT to project management to graphic design to business strategy.
    Features high quality training videos in the field of counseling, psychotherapy, and addiction. 
  • Sage Video
    Offers information in many areas of academic study.
  • Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries
    A virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. Includes folk, popular, classical and world music, speeches, and oral histories.
  • Theatre Performance & Design Collection
    An international collection that covers all aspects of theatre from production and design to performance, from the 17th century through to the present day, including, set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup, and more.