Use this page to find answers to the most Frequently Asked Question about our Library and Learning Centre. If your question is research related check out our Research FAQs


Can I borrow a calculator in the library?

Yes, aside from the basic model we also have financial/accounting, scientific and graphing. They can be signed out for up to five hours and are not renewable. 

Can I borrow equipment if I'm not a student or employee?

Members of the community who have booked a room or event via Facilities Services can rent media equipment to be used on campus. See the pricing list and available equipment.

Can I donate books to the Library?

Thank you for thinking of us but the Douglas College Library is not accepting donations at this time. For more information about our Collections Development policy see our Library Policies on the About page.

Please consider donating books and other materials to one of the charitable organizations listed on the the Recycling Council of British Columbia website. The Recyclepedia tool lets you search by city and material type e.g. Soft Cover Book, Hard Cover Book, Textbook, Ebook reader.  

Can Reserve items be renewed?

Reserve items cannot be renewed. You must return a reserve item by its due time. However, you can check it out again if no one requests it within 15 minutes. This policy ensures fair access to high-demand reserve items for all patrons. See Renewals and Reserves.

Do I still pay fines if the Library is unexpectantly closed?

No, if the Library is closed unexpectedly, such as during snow days or emergencies, fines will be waived. Please return your items on the day the library reopens.

Do you charge fines when materials are returned after the due date?

Fines are not charged for semester loan material unless another student has placed a recall on the book and it was returned late. For materials with recalls, the fines are $1.00 per day to a maximum of $20.00. See the complete list for all materials so that you do not find yourself with a bill on your hands! 

How do I access print articles that are at the other campus?

If you cannot physically visit the other campus you can request the article using the Intercampus Article Request form. We will email you a copy of the article via Office 365. 

How do I get a library card?

Your student ID card is also your library card and is produced by Enrolment Services. In order to borrow materials, you must be a currently registered student at Douglas College. If you aren't a current student, please see the information on becoming a communityy or reciprocal borrower

How long may I keep a book or video that I borrowed?

Books and CDs sign out for the full semester and can be recalled when someone else needs that item, though people are guaranteed a minimum two week loan. DVDs sign out for a month and can be renewed up to four times. For exceptions see the full list of loan periods.

I am not a student or an employee at Douglas College. Is it possible to get a library card?

Yes, you can apply for a community borrower's card that would allow you to borrow materials from Douglas College.

If you are a student or an employee at an institution that has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Douglas College (see if yours is listed here) you can borrow materials from our Library. Please see more information on reciprocal borrowing.

I need a book that is NOT in the Douglas College collection. What can I do?

You can request the item through interlibrary loan where we will borrow it on your behalf from another library. You would be notified through your Office 365 email when it is available for pickup. This process usually takes 10 to 14 days and this service is also available for articles.

Is it possible to go directly to another college or university to borrow books?

Yes. Douglas College students and employees can borrow books and other materials directly from Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia, and a number of other universities and colleges in British Columbia. For details, see our reciprocal borrowing information.

The book I want has been taken out by someone else. How can I get it?

Place a recall on the book you need through OneSearch - you will be prompted to sign in. You will be notified through your Office 365 email when the item is ready for pickup.

The book I want is at another campus. Do I have to go to that campus in order to get it?

Fortunately, no. Sign into My Library Account and place a request on the item through our discovery platform called OneSearch. If it is available, it will be sent by courier to your campus by the next working day.

What adaptive and assistive hardware and software does the library offer?

The library has several pieces of adaptive and assistive hardware and software for use inside and outside the library.

Borrowable equipment includes C-Pen Exam Reader Pensnoise-cancelling headphones, and induction loops. Please visit the library's equipment page for more information on what is available.

Adaptable workstations in the library are outfitted with padded chairs, adjustable desks, ELMO document cameras, and software such as Kurzweil 3000, NVDA, and Express Scribe. Please see the list of on what is installed on library computers.

Where are the books located?

At the New Westminster Campus, regular two week circulating books are located on the second floor. At the Coquitlam Campus, books are located on the lower level. Reference books, which do not circulate, are kept on the main floor of both campus libraries.

Where do I get materials that my instructor placed on reserve in the library?

Reserve materials are kept at the front Check out counter. See OneSearch to find out what may be reserved for your course. 

Computer use

Can I borrow a laptop from the library?

Yes. Laptops may be borrowed by Douglas college students and employees. The loan period is 24 hours though some exceptions may apply. Please note that wireless printing from laptops is not available.

I am not a student or employee at Douglas College. Could I use a computer in the library?

No. Computers in the Douglas College Library are available to Douglas College students and employees. Users must comply with the Douglas College PDF iconAcceptable Use of Computer and Information Technology Policy as well as all college and library polices, licensing, and contractual agreements. Individuals who have business with the College may be temporarily signed in at the discretion of the library, provided that there are sufficient spaces available for students and employees.

Visitors from other academic institutions participating in the "Eduroam" network may login into Eduroam Wi-Fi using their campus credentials.


[email protected]
Your CNA Password

If the computers in the library are all in use, are there other computers available for student use in the College?

Yes. Student computer labs are available for use on the 5th and 6th floors at the New Westminster Campus and on the 2nd floor at the Coquitlam Campus. At New Westminster, room 6212 is an open lab that is always available for students to use during operating hours. See the full list of available labs » You may also borrow a laptop at the Equipment Desk for 24 hours. 

Is there wireless access in the library?

Yes. Wireless computing is available throughout the College at both campuses and Anvil Office Tower, but not wireless printing. The login process is the same as accessing a desktop computer using your CNA. 

Visitors from other academic institutions participating in the "Eduroam" network may login into Eduroam Wi-Fi using their campus credentials.

For more information on Wi-Fi credentials please see the Logins and Passwords page.


Can I book a study room?

Library study rooms are available for small groups and can be booked online.

Anvil Office Tower also offers study rooms which can be booked using the Extron screen mounted outside each study room OR via Office 365. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide for booking procedures. More information is available on the Room Technology List:

If you are looking for a space to do online classes the College is making rooms N6212, S1711 and S1809 (NW) and room A1150 (COQ) available so students can transition between in-person and online classes without leaving campus. These rooms are not equipped with headsets or webcams so please bring your own or stop by the Equipment counter to sign out any equipment you may need.

Can we eat in the library?

Drinks in covered spill-proof containers and foods that won't disturb others or leave a residue are acceptable. Quick snacks are fine, but all warm food needs to be eaten outside of the library. 

If I think I've lost something in the library, where should I go to make inquiries?

All lost and found items are immediately taken to the security booth at both College campuses.

Is there a campus space to do my online class?

The Douglas College Library has a number of spaces that are suitable for attending online classes. You may use the back north east area on the main floor of the New Westminster campus library. If you're attending in a group you may book a study room.

Additionally the College is making rooms N6212, S1711 and S1809 (NW) and room A1150 (COQ) available so students can transition between in-person and online classes without leaving campus. These rooms are not equipped with devices for online classes so please bring your own or stop by the Equipment counter to sign out a headset or a webcam. 

Is there a quiet place to study?

Sometimes it can get a little noisy on the main floor of the library during the height of the semester. If you're looking for a quiet place to study, we've reserved the second floor of the New Westminster Campus and the lower floor of the Coquitlam Campus as a quiet space with study carrels. There is also a silent study room on the main floor at the New Westminster campus equipped with study tables and lamps with USB outlets.

May I use my cell phone in the Library?

In consideration of other library users, people are strongly encouraged to leave the area before using their phones. Patrons are asked to either set their cell phones to low or vibrate.

What social distancing and Covid safety protocols are in place in Library?

For your safety the Library follows the Covid safety guidelines outlined by the College.

When is the Library open?

Library hours may vary depending on holidays, semesters, etc. Our daily hours are listed at the bottom of the Library Home Page and the top right. See the list of all other exceptions.

Journal Articles

How do I find a peer-reviewed journal article?

Most databases have the option to limit to peer-reviewed journal articles. When you search for articles in a database, remember to check the box that says “Peer Reviewed”. 

For a description of what a peer-reviewed/scholarly article is please visit the links below or ask a librarian for help.

What's Peer-Reviewed?

Identify Scholarly, Trade, and Popular Resources

How do I find articles on my topic?

Start by searching a general database such as Academic Search Complete, or select one from our recommended databases for your subject area. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask a Librarian.

I have a citation for an article. How do I find the full text in the library?

First find out if the library has the journal by typing the journal name in the search box on the library homepage and selecting the Journal Titles tab. If your journal is available online, you will be given a link to the database(s) where it can be found. If you find an article without the full text while searching in a database you can try requesting that article via Inter Library Loan or reach out to a Librarian for more assistance.

What can I do if the article I want is not available at Douglas College?

You can get a copy of it from another library through interlibrary loan. See our interlibrary loan page for information, or go directly to the form.

Learning Centre

Can I get tutoring in languages other than English?

  • The Learning Centre is a multilingual centre, so tutoring may occur in languages that will contribute to student learning.   
  • However, because the language of instruction in most courses is English, an important goal is for the tutor to prepare the student for using English in their coursework.

Does the Learning Centre offer support for courses at other institutions?

Sorry, the Learning Centre is not able to help you with courses taken at other institutions. Most institutions have some type of tutoring available. And the WriteAway service offers free online writing help for students at many institutions in BC.

Does the Learning Centre offer support for courses I am not enrolled in?

Sorry, the Learning Centre does not offer support for courses you are not currently enrolled in. Once you sign up for a class our content tutors will be glad to help you. 

How can I make the most out of my tutoring sessions?

  • Plan time before your tutoring sessions to prepare and then time afterwards to incorporate feedback from your tutor and practice new skills 
  • Do as much work as possible before seeing a tutor 
  • Bring specific questions about assignments and course content that you have already worked on. 
  • Remain active and attentive during the tutoring session 
  • Limit distractions from electronic devices, food, and side conversations 
  • Build in time between appointments to incorporate tutor feedback

How does working with a tutor help improve my writing?

In your tutoring sessions, your tutor can help at any stage of the writing process to:  

  • help you evaluate and understand the assignment instructions  
  • discuss your questions about your writing  
  • review writing techniques, such as thesis development, organization and use of topic sentences 
  • suggest methods for improving your reading practices and writing 
  • identify error patterns in your writing and help you improve your editing skills 

We can’t proofread for you, but we can help you improve your editing skills by 

  • helping you recognize errors and showing you strategies to fix them yourself 
  • guiding you to helpful resources  
  • giving editing advice and practice  

How do I book an online appointment with the Learning Centre?

Please refer to this How to book an online Zoom appointment document.

PDF iconHow to book an online Zoom appointment

See also...

PDF iconHow to join an online Zoom appointment

PDF iconZoom FAQs

How do I join an online appointment with the Learning Centre?

Please refer to this How to join an online Zoom appointment document.

PDF iconHow do I join an online Zoom appointment

See also...

PDF iconHow do I book an online Zoom appointment

PDF iconZoom FAQs

How long are the tutoring appointments?

  • The appointments are 25 and 55 minutes long. It’s a little confusing, as our online booking system shows appointments to be 30-minutes and one-hour long.  
  • Tutors reserve the last 5 minutes of your appointment to do record-keeping and provide you with an emailed client report. Please help your tutor by ending your session on time.

I am interested in the workshop but cannot attend. Will it be recorded?

Learning Centre workshops are not recorded. If you are unable to attend the workshop but interested in learning more about the topic, please make a Consultation appointment with one of the tutors. You can also contact us in the Learning Centre, via chat or by email, and we can direct you to the resources on the topic.

Is tutoring confidential?

Peer tutors have signed a confidentiality agreement to keep all student conversations and written work private. Tutors will only share information about tutoring sessions with faculty and staff in the Learning Centre.  

What can I get help with?

  • Tutors can help you with work you are doing for courses you are currently enrolled in at Douglas. 
  • In keeping with the Douglas College Academic Honesty policy, tutors are not able to do school work for you nor supply answers for assignments that you must submit as your own work  
  • In addition to helping you with course assignments and course concepts, tutors can help you work on improving your study and academic skills (writing, reading, study, math, and computer skills).

What happens during an appointment?

During your tutoring appointment, your peer tutor will help you  

  • evaluate and understand the assignment instructions 
  • guide you to find resources for and answers to questions about your assignment 
  • suggest techniques for improving your academic and study skills 

When tutors can't help you, they will refer you to Learning Centre faculty or to your own instructor. 

What happens if I need to cancel an appointment?

There are four ways to cancel an appointment:

  • Online at
  • By emailing [email protected]
  • Call us at 604 527 5539 (NW) or 604 777 6139 (CO)

​Tutors understand that students have to cancel appointments for many different reasons. If you do have to cancel, please do so with as much notice as possible, so that other students have the opportunity to book an appointment at that time.

What is the policy on long papers for Submit A Draft tutoring?

Because tutors have an hour to work on your paper, they might not be able to provide feedback on the entirety of your paper. Instead, they might focus on certain aspects on your paper based on the appointment description. If you'd like additional feedback, we recommend making a second appointment with the same tutor, and let them know what parts to focus on.

Where can I get help with my resume?

The Douglas College Career Centre can help you with resumes, cover letters, and job applications.

Where can I get information about assessment testing?

The Assessment Testing page has information about what you should study.

The Assessment Tests Guide page lists resources that will help you.

Where do I get help with ENGU 0100 and 0200 level courses?

The Learning Centre is not able to help you with ENGU 0100 and 0200 level courses; we encourage you to reach out to your instructor.

Who does the Learning Centre support?

The Learning Centre prioritizes Douglas College students and can help you with classes you are enrolled in.

Note: Students in ENGU 0100 and 0200 level courses are encourage to reach out to their instructors. 

Online Access

How do I connect with a librarian online?

You'll find various online methods to contact librarians on our Ask A Librarian page. Yes you can even book a Blackboard Collaborate video conference with us! 

I'm having trouble logging into an online resource

You will find login information and troubleshooting steps on our Remote Access page.

I am a new student and cannot access My Library Account

First, ensure you are logging on with your CNA information which is your student number and the password you use when logging on to Blackboard. See more information on passwords at the College

Sometimes new students will try and access their account before the Library has had a chance to load new records into the Library system. In this case please contact [email protected] and a public services staff member may be able to assist you.   

Is video reference available?

Video reference is available via Blackboard Collaborate. To book an appointment see our Ask A Librarian page.

Print, Copy, Scan

Are there photocopiers in the library and what does it cost to use them?

Photocopying is ten cents per page and a specific photocoping card can be purchased at the front counter in one, three, and five dollar denominations.

Are there scanners in the library?

There are card-operated photocopiers at both campus libraries which also act as scanners. Scanning to USB is free - come to the front counter first to retrieve a card to unlock the machine. If you forgot your USB drive, we'd be happy to lend you one.

Can I print from my laptop?

Wireless printing is not available at this time.

Do I have to pay for printing?

Yes, the College no longer supplies free printing to students. Pages may be purcchased via debit or credit at the front counter for cost of 10 cents per black and white page and 50 cents for a single-sided page of colour printing. See more detailed information on printing at the College.