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Other Resources

Subject Guides Check out our subject guides to help you find the best resource on your topic.

Assignment Guides Assignment Guide are created for you specific class assignment. See if you have one here.

Cite Your Sources Need to cite? APA, MLA, Chicago etc. Find your citation style guide here.


Research Tutorials

Research: Where Do I Start This guide provides you with resources from our research companion video tutorials. It is broken down into different section and is self guided, allowing you to select the area of information you may need help with.

Primary Sources Guide Need a primary source this guides shows you how to find and identify primary source in history, science and law.

Book Reviews: How to Find Them Book Reviews How to Find Them - Need a book review this guide will take you through how to find and identify them.


Finding Articles & Books

Article Search Strategies This document show you how to identify keywords and using them to get the best resources.

Scholarly Journals versus Popular Magazine Chart Identify academic scholarly articles using this handout.

Identifying Scholarly, Trade, and Popular Sources Identify academic scholarly articles, trade and popular magazines using this handout.

What are Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) publications? From EBSCO

What is peer review? From Elsevier. Includes descriptions of various types of peer-review.

Call Number Chart: Detailed Outline
