Research Data Management Strategy Launched
Thursday, July 06, 2023

In March 2021, the Tri-Agencies of Canada updated their Research Data Management (RDM) Policy, requiring all institutions eligible to administer CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC funds to create and publicly share their RDM strategy.  After a year of learning and engagement, Douglas College’s institutional Research Data Management Strategy is available for review, feedback, and action.

This strategy was created through the contributions and input of a broad range of College stakeholders.  The result is a guiding framework and an action agenda for services, resources, and community that will support Douglas College researchers in planning for and managing their research data in alignment with best practices.

The engagement opportunities over the past year included consultations with the High Impact Practices in Education Committee, Research Ethics Board, Centre for Educational and Information Technology, and Vice President’s Academic Council.  In addition, meetings with individual faculty researchers and expert advisors informed the strategy and the online survey that was administered to faculty researchers to assess their current research data management practices, awareness, and needs.

The College’s new strategy supports good RDM practices which increase research visibility, align with evolving funder requirements, build new collaborations, enable verification of research results, and support a culture of accessible and reproducible research.  It also prepares Douglas researchers to meet increasing funder, journal, and disciplinary expectations for data management plans at the outset of projects and data deposit at their conclusion.

Check out the Library’s Research Data Management Guide for more information.
