Please note that your request date should be at least two working days from now. You may view the library's hours on the footer of our homepage

If you have questions please call us at 604-527-5187 (NW) or 604-777-6130 (CO), or email us at [email protected]

Bookings not picked up within one hour of scheduled pick up time may be cancelled due to demand. Please let the library know ahead of time if you no longer require your booked equipment. The library may cancel future bookings if booked equipment is repeatedly not picked up.


Please note that anyone picking up equipment on your behalf will be required to show college or government-issued photo ID.

Booking Information

All equipment must be returned to the same campus it was borrowed from.
Please tell us where and how you plan to use the equipment off campus so we can better assist you.
This information helps us select the best equipment for your purposes.
We only accept requests at least two working days from today. If you have questions, please call us at 604-527-5187 (NW) or 604-777-6130 (CO), or email us at [email protected].
Make sure to check our services hours available on the footer of the Library homepage. Bookings not picked up within one hour of scheduled pick up time may be cancelled due to demand. The library may cancel future bookings if booked equipment is repeatedly not picked up.