Films on Demand

Subject: All subject areas.
Description: A multi-disciplinary collection of over 10,000 films available in streaming format; Provides access to thousands of programs and documentaries with English and French-language content. 

Permitted usesUpload to BlackBoard? Yes
Showing live in BlackBoard class? Yes
Recording in BB for asynchronous viewing? Yes

Films on Demand Veterinary Video Collection

Subject: Veterinary
Description: With more than 240 titles, it provides a foundation in animal anatomy, physiology, and behavior while learning basic veterinary procedures and an understanding of the workplace.

Permitted usesUpload to BlackBoard? Yes
Showing live in BlackBoard class? Yes
Recording in BB for asynchronous viewing? Yes

Films on Demand Archival Films & Newsreels Collection

Subject: History
Description: This collection is a treasure trove of archival and historical films from multiple sources.

Permitted usesUpload to BlackBoard? Yes
Showing live in BlackBoard class? Yes
Recording in BB for asynchronous viewing? Yes

Films on Demand: Entertainment Canada

Subject: Music & Performing Arts

Permitted usesUpload to BlackBoard? Yes
Showing live in BlackBoard class? Yes
Recording in BB for asynchronous viewing? Yes