Collection Support
The Douglas College Library collection supports the teaching, learning, and research needs of our students, faculty, and staff, who have access to 140,000 physical items and over 600,000 online, which include:
- 120,000+ print books and 392,000+ ebooks
- 100 print journal subscriptions, and 84,000+ ejournal titles
- 10,000+ physical videos and films, and 142,000+ streaming media titles
- Over 100 databases
Our Library collection features select course textbooks on reserve, a leisure reading collection, zines, and so much more! Check out our print and digital collections displays in our libraries and on our web site.
The Library also manages the Douglas College Open Repository, DOOR, a curated digital collection of faculty and student research outputs, as well as select digitized archival collections.
The Douglas College Archives is the official repository for the historical records of the College. Records created by employees are selected for permanent preservation and retention according to the Records and Information Management Policy. Other historical materials of value are also kept in the Archive.
Spotlight on Book Club Kits
To support our College community’s efforts towards indigenization and our learning about Indigenous perspectives and viewpoints, the Library has assembled a number of book club kits featuring works by Indigenous authors.
Each book kit bag contains 10 copies of the book and a print discussion guide with background information about the author, a few book reviews, and discussion questions. Borrow a book club kit and discuss these outstanding works with your colleagues or friends!